Thursday, December 6, 2012

House Hunting/Pictures!

House hunting sure is exhausting, especially when you know nothing about the area you are moving to. Today we spent 5 hours driving around New Bern, Havelock, Newport, and Morehead City. We REALLY like this one area of New Bern, but we were waiting on hearing back from the rental agency to make sure that our pets were okay. So we started to freak out and think maybe that area isn't the best area, and we were second guessing our decision. Morehead City seems to be more of an area that's similar to the one we live in now, but I just can't justify the teeny houses there. We live in a small house now, and part of me was excited to come out to North Carolina because we are outgrowing a 2 bedroom home. When you have one room dedicated to just crafts, that tends to happen!

Plus, a lot of houses in Morehead City don't even have a driveway! Forget a garage, no driveway!? WTF! We started to panic because we couldn't find anything we liked. I was on the verge of tears all day because I was so stressed out. I just want to be done with this house hunting crap and have somewhere locked in to live. Plus I went to the cutest antique store today and wanted to buy half of the items in the store for our new soon to be home.

Tomorrow we hear back about one of the homes, and we are viewing another that's beautiful, so PLEASE think good thoughts for us! We could use them or else we won't be going home on Monday as planned!

Remember how I mentioned that our wonderful friend Ramona took pictures for us for Christmas? She has done this for the past 2 years as well! SHE'S amazing! Seriously! She makes us look better in these pictures than we do in real life. Ramona is the best, she should REALLY consider opening her own photography business because she could make a killing! :o)

So here are a few that I LOVE LOVE LOVE. I uploaded all 34 pictures and realized that was a bit extreme and had to cut them down. But I want to have them ALL up, because there isn't a bad one! NOT ONE! 

Be sure to play the game, "how many tattoos can you find?"

Nice "blue steel" face!

Glad that I get to wear cowboy boots more in North Carolina! 

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