Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Moore needs MORE love!

I've been glued to the TV ever since Monday when the tornado happened in Oklahoma. I have a few friends that live there, and all of their updates just broke my heart. Can you imagine losing everything? I can't stop watching the footage, and as the days go on, my heart keeps breaking.

Today, as I was catching up on some blogs and some Instagram lurking, I came across this picture...

I immediately knew that no matter how busy I was, or what I had going on this weekend, I was making a quilt for this cause. I have been researching quilt donations for some time, and you'd be surprised by restrictions they have on creating one. This donation is whatever you'd like to donate. It could be a quilt you've already made, a custom one, or one you have in your home. You can find the original blog post from the OKCMQG - here 

I am so excited to start this quilt this weekend, and can't wait to put on my own personal "Anchored with love by Elizabeth" label on it, and ship it off to never be seen again. I know that sounds silly, but this truly may be one of most meaningful quilts I've ever made. : )


Here is a sneak peek at some of the fabric I am using. My best friend, Severina, introduced me to the jelly roll and an amazing tutorial, and she brought me a jelly roll when she came to visit last month. I know what you're thinking, you're giving away a quilt that you made with the fabric your best friend gave you? If you knew Sevi, you know she would get a kick out of knowing that my quilt had a huge part of her sent all the way to Oklahama. Love you Sevi!

I am so excited to use this fabric because I plan on including in my quilt, a note,  that I want this quilt to go to a child. It's going to be a smaller quilt, and  I just know a child would love the bright colors.

Stay tuned to see this quilt, I have a VERY cute Oklahoma applique stitch planned!

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