Moving on...Where I work we have a Starbucks. I'm pretty sure you can all guess where I work, but when I was hired I had to sign a piece of paper stating I will not talk about my job on social media because I'm Human Resources. Weird, right? So, I'm not stating where I work, I'm just talking about a sign that I made. Evasive right? ;)
Anyways, HR jobs are glorified interior decorator jobs. Replace table cloths, have pretty writing, write peoples names elegantly on various items. Seeing as how I loooooovvvvveeee chalkboards and writing, the Starbucks girls propositioned me to do their chalkboards for them.
Hi. My name is Elizabeth, and at one point, I was addicted to Starbucks. I went to Starbucks everyday for 2 years. True story. Anyways, I always loved to look at their chalkboards and wonder who the hell did them because they were fabulous. Well. Here is their secret! You receive a sort of planner that tells you what to put, and you're not supposed to deviate from the plan. Sad, right?
So, the Starbucks girl gave me this paper, and a chalkboard and I had to create. The pumpkin spice latte is actually cardboard and on a magnet, and so is the wording. So I had to recreate this below on a chalkboard...
The reference guide
I've mentioned before that I can pretty much copy anything. When I said that, I meant copy writing. Drawing, eh... The wording turned out cute I thought, but the drinks, they left a little something to be desired... I also did a little free styling because I just HAD to. Overall, I think it looks pretty good!
Anyways, fast forward to yesterday. I walked into the store and found that my chalkboard was down and missing in action. Nicholas Sparks was here signing copies of his new book, and they wanted to promote the book signing. I had to erase all my hard work and I had twenty minutes to come up with something. I do not create quickly, so I had a mild anxiety attack over a chalkboard. It could have been better, especially the drink names at the bottom, but I was in a time crunch! I was the happiest with how I wrote his name. I hope Nicky sees it and starts thinking about using this way to write his name in books! ;)
PS. That is some of Starbucks secret menu and it's DELICIOUS!
I saw one of his publishing agents take a picture of it and told me she was sending it to New York. I asked her if she was posting it online, and she said yes. She was from Grand Central Publishing, and they put it on Instagram and Twitter. I should have asked her to tag me! ;)
And on twitter! :)
Unfortunately, I didn't accomplish my goal of getting a picture of me twerking behind Nicholas Sparks. But, luckily, he lives here in New Bern, so there's always another day.
Tomorrow I get to erase the Nicholas Sparks chalkboard and create the pumpkin spice latte one, again! Wish me luck a second time around!