I'm full on obsessed. Here they are...
More Starbucks signs! They have the most amazing chalk markers that are a special brand I've never seen in the store! I've actually erased this one, and done 2 other ones since, but they started sending cup templates so I don't have to draw the drink. Definitely not as cute or fun!
I'm creating an entire chalkboard wall in our bedroom. We have this huge wall with nothing on it, and of course I'm too cheap to buy any decor, so I am making it myself.
Here is my Thanksgiving window and mantel. I have to be honest, my heart wasn't in decorating this year because my husband was gone for the majority of the time, so it's a little pathetic.
And this is my pride and joy! This was constructed with one piece of chalk and took me maybe 45 minutes? All this practice is making it easier!
I am obsessed with the poem quoted on your first sign. They are all too cute! We miss you guys! I hope all is well.