SUP :)
and I always bring my co-pilot, safety first!
But, one of my BFFs Severina comes out here in less than a week, so I have lots of cleaning to do, and prep! I've linked her blog before, but you NEED to read it. I've never met a more fabulous, fierce person before in my life, and I honestly don't think North Carolina is ready for her!
In preparation for her visit, I decided to make a list of everything I plan on making while she is here to help myself get some ideas. I don't really want to start on a large project, but some small ones to knock out! Or so I'll tell myself now...
Idea Numero Uno: Reuseable Paper Towels
I go through so many papertowels at my house it actually makes me feel bad. I try to be a "green" person, and recycle everything, and buy enviornmentally friendly items, but I'm a papertowel hoarder. I'm determined to make these so I feel less guilty about my bad habit!
Number 2: Thrift Shop and Make Dresses
I have an old Doors t-shirt that I can totally picture, I want to do this so bad! We are definitely going thrifting while she is here! I really want to upcycle some old shirts into this idea, hopefully the people in NC gift these beauties to the goodwill so I have something to create! We WILL wear your granddads clothes, and we will look incredible!
Number 3: Giant Vintage Star Quilt
I LOVE the blog that this tutorial is from, the blogger has the cutest fabrics, and she made a quilt out of vintage sheets entirely, which is a fabulous idea! I wanted to do this quilt for our extra bedroom, but I needed a larger one. Now that I want to have a quilt ladder to display all my hard work, I'm thinking about making this one to use around the house. You'd be surprised how much use I get out of these quilts. Seriously!
I also have a few other ideas that I can't post about, because they're a secret! ;)
Alright S, you're up, what do you have planned sista!?! I can't wait to see what you want to do!!!!