Thursday, February 28, 2013

His boots, her flops = Perfect Pair???

Yesterday I went to the commissary on base. What I thought was going to be a nice shopping day, easily turned into a bitter afternoon. You see, yesterdays date was February 27th, you know what that means, it's the end of the pay period!!! Holla! The commissary towards the end of the pay period is like a straight up ghost town. There's no one there, I can happily tap dance down all the aisles, and get my groceries without unaccompanied minors ramming carts into the back of my legs. If you've ever been to the commissary on the 1st or 15th (payday), it's a fucking nightmare and circus event. I understand that husbands are deployed, and you have 7 children, but that gives you no right to let your kids go ape shit crazy in the commissary...

My favorite commissary story is one of a nice young marine on Camp Pendleton. See, he took his baby to the commissary on his own. WOW, right? What a nice man to help his wife out. Except for one small factor. You see, he forgot to dress his baby! Silly man! I swear to you that this baby was only wearing a diaper at the commissary.
A DIAPER. Everyone knows how cold grocery stores are, but apparently, this baby was raging hot that day because he didn't even have socks on. Poor baby.

Anyways, back to the Cherry Point commissary, I got all my stuff quickly, threw it all in my car, and was on my way back home when I turned and noticed what could quite possibly be known as the stupidest military wife sticker on this planet.

"His boots Her Flops - Perfect Pair!" Really bitch?? This has got to be the most annoying sticker in the world, and I'm on a mission from God to make everyone aware of how ridiculous this sticker is. I mean, what the fuck? Don't get me wrong, be proud that your husband is in the service, but be normal and put the circular USMC sticker on the back of your car, like everyone else! But this makes no sense to me. Way to play up the stereotype that all marine wives are stupid, because that's what this sticker equates. Stupidity. 

At first I thought I was just being a bitch. But when I posted about it on my FB, the majority of the marine wives that I know all agreed that this sticker is irritating. Ridiculous. Dumb. Hate it.

So pleasssseeee if you know of someone guilty of this sticker, either tell them to take it off their car, and if they refuse, go out there in the middle of the night and throw a molotov cocktail in the window of their mini van for me.

Thank you!

...end rant...

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, stupidest sticker ever! Also, I would never take my kids to the commissary when Thomas was deployed. I hated it. All they do is get in the way and slow me down. I couldn't imagine people trying to shop with a ton of kids....ridiculous.
