Friday, December 14, 2012


I have been MIA compared to the everyday blogging I was doing. It's because we've been SO busy! And I have been sewing my little ass off for Christmas presents!

We flew home from North Carolina on Monday. We flew out of the Greensboro airport, which is a tiny little airport, but at least it had a Dunkin Donuts!! I lovvveeee DD, and the only one in the whole state of California is on Camp Pendleton. Seriously. Google it!

Anyways, we flew from North Carolina - Dallas - LAX. I kept joking with Dustin about which celebrity we would see when we flew into LA. I know everyone thinks that celebrities in California are just walking around all over the place, and they're not really, BUT I seem to run into more celebrities than anyone I know. Maybe it's because I read all the gossip magazines, and watch E! all day, but I swear I see more than anyone else.

For instance - I've seen at the LAX airport Cee Lo Green, Mike Epps, Keegan Allen, and Mickey Rourke. Dustin SWEARS he saw Sally Field one time, but I don't believe him!

Well, we didn't see a celebrity this time...We saw a KANGAROO on our flight! I'm not talking in the cargo, he/she/it was in a backpack on the plane!! I got up to go to the bathroom, and walked past this burly guy with something in his coat. He was acting odd, so I was staring at him while I was waiting for the bathroom. He said to his wife, "The flight attendants asked me to go show first class." and his wife said, "Well put it away, so you don't walk through the cabin with it out." I was definitely intrigued, and couldn't see WHAT it was, and when I went back to my seat I told Dustin and continued to sit for the next 45 minutes waiting for him to go back to his seat. When he finally did, I nudged the shit out of Dustin and was pointing, and the walked by us, and opened his backpack and showed us!! At first I thought it was a deer because it was all folded up very oddly in the backpack, and Dustin said, "Is that a kangaroo!?" And sure as shit, it was!

When we landed I wanted a picture of that damn kangaroo, but I didn't see the couple who had it. We got our bags and we were waiting curbside for my Dad to pick us up. Well Dustin went to the bathroom and saw the people again, so I went back for a picture. The couple was SO nice! They have a wild life rescue up in Paso Robles and the guy let me even pet the kangaroo! It felt a lot like a rabbit actually. They also had a cat with them and a lynx and a few bigger kangaroos all in cages with blankets over them. The kangaroo was so sweet and he was hanging out in the backpack, just his head and ears peeking out of the bag.

When the guy told me about his reservation in Paso Robles (is that even the correct term?) I told him I knew where Paso Robles was because my family went to Lake Lopez to go camping. He gave me his card and told me to bring my husband when we go up and call him and we can all go see the animals. Isn't that SO neat? They were such great people!

Well here is the kangaroo and the little backpack he was hanging out in. I was so flustered with excitement I forgot to ask where the hell they got a kangaroo from. They were on our Dallas - LAX flight so I keep wondering if they rescued a kangaroo from someones property? So sad!

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