Monday, December 17, 2012

Little Busy Bees - what we've been doin'!

We have been so busy lately! It's exhausting really trying to figure out everything that needs to get done to move, plus I have my own personal agenda. I have to work out everyday because I am like a kid on crack if I don't. I can't fall asleep at night unless I've worked out for a hour, so I've been trying to find the time to work out, clean, sew, cook, make phone calls, and breathe? 

We have been trying to get some time in here and there with my family. Last week we went to get Dustin's motorcycle from my sisters house in Murrieta since he doesn't have his car here, he is riding solo on his motorcycle. Luckily, it's been raining so much he hasn't had a chance to ride it, so he had to use my car to get to work last week. HA! He is so embarrassed to be seen in my car. It's teal, so what! Anyways, we took my nephew Blake to the trampoline park in Temecula when we went to fetch the motorcycle. We had so much fun, and holy crap, do children have energy. After about a hour and a half of jumping, flipping, and pulling Blake from the foam pit because his "legs didn't work," I had to convince that little guy that they were closing and coax him out of the joint with the promise of ice cream. We had so much fun, especially since that little booger is fearless! He's 4 and will do a flip? Crazy!

Dusty & Blake after a tiring day of jumping

It's been raining here so much lately, that we had one last fire in our fireplace at our little California bungalow. Isn't that mantle just gorgeous? I will miss it, that's for sure! We cleaned the fireplace today and there ain't no way in hell I am having another fire because I don't want to have to clean it again until we move! 

Dusty & Smokey

View of my run last week. Enjoying being able to run everyday 
by the Pacific Ocean while I can!

I've been sewing lately! I WAS going to do a tutorial on the blanket on the right, but in all honesty, I need to get these bad boys done and shipped to Maryland ASAP. Oliver is my newest little nephew from my brother. Random side note, my grandmother was a quilter, and she made so many beautiful quilts, and after she passed away my grandpa let all the grandchildren have one. I have mine currently right next to me on the couch. I don't like to use it too much because I don't want to ruin it, but it's always on display. Anyways, my brother asked me once if I was making quilts or not yet, so I decided to make little Oliver a cute quilt for Christmas. His nursery is dinosaurs and in those colors, so I worked with my brother and his wife to pick out the fabrics, and it's turning out cute! 

I wanted a "handmade" Christmas, and give nothing but handmade items, but it was really hard to try to sew ALL your xmas gifts in one short time frame. At least now I know what I am up against, and I'm SERIOUSLY considering starting as early as February. Don't judge me! Anyways on the left is Oliver's quilt all set out. The missing squares I was just too lazy to cut out to finish it for the picture. I sewed them all together on Saturday, FOR FIVE HOURS. Seriously. I'm very meticulous, and cut my ends and iron my seams out as I go because it just looks prettier. I have a neat border and backing piece that I NEED to get done, like yesterday that I'll post a picture of when it's done. 

On the right is the baby blanket I made. I'll do a tutorial for that later because I am actually going to be selling those. : ) Sooooo if you want one, please let me know! The name Oliver has been aplique stitched on, and heyyyy there is one of my new labels!!!!! I am probably only going to put them only on personal gifts for friends and family, but I designed them myself and had someone make them. Let me know if you want her info, she has an etsy account, and they're satin and AMAZING. So Oliver is getting a baby blanket AND a quilt. Spoiled baby. He lives in Maryland so I feel he needs extra love from me since I don't see him as much as I'd like to.

Did I mentioned yet that Christmas has been CANCELED at my house? No, but seriously. I'm not putting up decorations because I haven't been home for 2 weeks, and I don't have the time/effort to put them up and then take them right back down. In fact, I don't have a single damn, scratch that, I have ONE Xmas decoration up, and only because I just bought it. And low and behold here it is! My aunt has one of these little domes up in her house, so I stole the idea from her. She told me they used to be used to preserve plants in the garden, like a little greenhouse. ADORABLE right? Any who, my mom found these two little adorable reindeer to put in there, they're vintage ornaments, a boy and a girl, how sweet, and we also found that vintage Christmas tree. This could be my most favorite thing in my house. I'm going to change it seasonly. Is it okay to leave the reindeer in till Valentine's Day? I just can't part with them yet!

I also, may or may not have an addiction to Pyrex? I have dreams that I am going to host Thanksgiving one year and put the food in nothing but pyrex dishes on the kitchen table!?! Hopefully we'll meet some new couples up in North Cackalacky, and have them over for dinner so that I can showcase my Pyrex. I think my favorite ones are those snowflake ones in the corner. They're about 60 years old! Can you believe they've lasted that long? My favoritttteee DISH is that black snowflake one. I've been looking for one of those for a while. Anyways, I bought an entire hutch at an antique store for a steal and am going to fill it with Pyrex in the new house. (Also, don't judge me on my magnet collection I have rocking on the right. We get one from everywhere we go!)

I definitely realized that I am a picture whore. I know when I lurk upon a blog, I LOVE it when it has tons of pictures, so here you go. We have another busy week meeting up with friends to say our last goodbyes! We will be on the road again NEXT WEEK. We leave December 29, are you ready to see those "welcome to" signs again!? Muahahahah. JK. We'll have the pups with us this time, and be in a moving truck pulling my car. We are hoping to make it to North Carolina in 4 days. Pray for good weather for us!

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