Sunday, December 30, 2012

Trip 2: Day One (Murrieta - Deming, New Mexico)

Yesterday we left Murrieta at about 6:20am to start our trek out east! We left 20 minutes late because mama needed a Starbucks and bless my sisters heart, she woke up at 5:45 to take me!! My little nuggets of some nephews were also awake! I think it's secretly because they wanted to see the truck off, Blake kept pointing at the truck saying "I want someone to give me a ride in that truck!" Uncle Dusty would have, but he had a miserable time backing that thing up the first time around. I told Blake he could ride with us but only if he sat in the chairs strapped to the car trailer! He agreed! Ha!!

So we left yesterday morning and it took us all day to get into the swing of things. Here is what we learned, so far.

Rule Number One: Stop when you think you have to go to the bathroom, in the slightest bit, or else you'll end up in tears saying to your husband, "I swear to you, if you don't pull over, I'm going to pee right here in this cup!"

Rule Number Two: Truck stops only. They may sound gross, you may have to squat above god only knows what, while your quads are burning from doing the Carrie Underwood leg workout, but it's easier to get in and out of truck stops when you're in a giant ass truck pulling a car trailer. If not you'll add on an extra 45 minutes to your drive time because you can't flip a bitch and you have to find three lefts to turn around! Thanks Palm Desert for that experience!

Rule Number Three: Toothbrushes and toothpaste for your dogs. My dog has the worst breath in the world and after 6 hours, I was over it. He wouldn't eat a mint, so I chewed up a mint, and tried to force feed him baby bird style and he wasn't having it!

Rule Number Four: Book light/personal light. I was nearly done with The Other Boleyn Girl last night and it got too dark to read and I was kicking myself in the ass for not thinking of this earlier!!! (Finished the book, btw, FABULOUS! A must read!!!!)

So far, that's what we've learned! We were on the road for nearly 12 hours yesterday, driving in this truck is way slower than when we did it earlier this month in the jeep, and some gas stations the diesel pumps SO slow! Like 30 minutes to fill our tank! We've also decided to NEVER do a DITY move ever again. If I ever meet someone that tells me they want to do a DITY move I don't know how I won't slap them in the face! The money you make isn't worth it to me!!!!

The next leg of the trip is Deming, New Mexico to Dallas. I love Dallas and the people there!!!! Best part of our trip!!!! :)

Here are some pictures from our traveling! We def aren't stopping as much as in the car!

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